ffcollection progress

I mentioned previously that I was working on a fanfiction database. Well, time for an update: it’s in a functional state, though quite basic. I can feed it a FanFiction.Net ID and it will download the fanfic and put it in the database with some very basic metadata (author, ID, summary). Most recently, I’ve hacked together an HTTP server using http.server so that I can accept commands over HTTP. Currently, the only command it accepts is ‘add the fanfic at this URL’, and it just responds with a status page and a copy of the form to add the fic to favoritestracker. I really should use something a little more powerful than just http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler for this—I really ought to create a full-fledged web interface, instead of just a commands-over-http hack. But, for the moment, that’s what I’ve got.

Written by Tracy Poff on Wed 06 July 2011.