Saves 0033-????: Taking Inventory, part 2

So, since I put quite a bit of work into it, let’s use my new save file modification powers to find the max value for money…

After some testing, I’m still not sure exactly what the max value is. 0x7FFFFFFF works, and so does 0x80000000, but some higher values (like 0xCFFFFFFF) don’t work. They give you smaller amounts of GP than you should have. For instance 0xFFFFFFFF gives you 5. There’s some kind of wrapping happening at various places, but I don’t really know quite how. Doesn’t matter. No one needs more than two billion GP, anyway, so I’m calling that a limit.

.hack//Infection maximum money

640K should be enough for anyone.

Written by Tracy Poff on Mon 02 September 2013.